Media and Gummint are milking the public on C0V1D
The picture shows how I feel about the hype and hypocrisy surrounding the damned virus.
People who are double vaxxed, triple boosted, and quadruble stupid are getting the C0V1D but there are those among us, like me, who have not gotten vaxxed or boosted, and have used years of clear thinking about my health and how to best stay healthy, are just moving along through life, quite comfortable, healthy, and sort of giggling at how many are "The Obedient Ones".
People who are double vaxxed, triple boosted, and quadruble stupid are getting the C0V1D but there are those among us, like me, who have not gotten vaxxed or boosted, and have used years of clear thinking about my health and how to best stay healthy, are just moving along through life, quite comfortable, healthy, and sort of giggling at how many are "The Obedient Ones".
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