Some days are diamonds

Doing my nearly daily range exercise on the 80th anniversary of the attack on Pearl Harbor, I did pretty well.  The first shot out hit dead center in the bull.  The rest stayed within a 3 1/2 inch diameter.
All of my range shooting is done as a tactical type exercise.
I don't sit at a bench with the weapon steadied by sand bags, and such, but am continually moving around.  This particular exercise was done as if I were shooting through a window; using a step ladder, and shooting between the steps.  After each shot, I withdrew, then moved back to the shooting position, firing as soon as I could "return to target".  To me this simulates how I might have to react to an attack, and holds more value, to me, than just pointing the weapon, locking it down and pulling the trigger over and over.
A "tight" shot group like this is more than satisfactory for me, being that I am 81 years old, and shooting in a tactical setting.
TRAIN, Train, and then train some more.  You are the only person charged with protecting your life.  The police are there only to arrest anyone who might attempt to harm you.  Leave  them a ground temperature body to investigate, and save the taxpayers the expense of a trial.
Can you put 26 shots inside a 3 and a half inch circle, from 50 yards, standing, moving, using only a 22 caliber, lever action, carbine?


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