Gun control is being able to hit the target
I love to shoot. That shooting reinforces my personal feeling of being able to protect myself, (something that is NOT the mission of Law Enforcement OR Government), and give me great satisfaction when I see that I am doing well on the range.
Some days I can do very well, and on others I do less well. I found that yesterday, my aim wasn't quite as refined as usual, (both while shooting, and while driving nails with my hammer), making me realize that perhaps I needed to just settle down and take it slower.
Today, I did very well, shooting a much tighter, more disciplined routine, creating a very close shot group.
Having a home range allows me to engage in leisure activity that is both affordable and rewarding. If I were to lose the rights affirmed in the 2nd Amendment, I would feel that life was meaningless.
I do my best to stay informed on things such as "Constitutional Affirmation of GOD given rights", and stay as active as possible in seeing that these rights are continued.

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